SweatVac Performance Wear is looking for new, unique, attractive, interesting and desirable graphic designs for our new garment called the ShapeShifter.
We dye sublimate designs onto Shape Shifters which produces a beautiful high def image that dyes directly into the fabric. We’re launching a program to attract new designs that we can offer on our website and other sales channels.

How it works: In a nutshell, you send us your design(s) to check out. We choose the ones we like, pay you $10.00 for each one chosen and post them on our site with you credited as the artist. Going forward, as each of your posted designs sell, we pay you $1.00. You’re paid the initial $10.00 for each design the day they’re launched on our site and you’re paid the accrued $1.00 ea. commission at the end of each month, all via Quick Pay or PayPal if you prefer. Example: You send us one design. We publish said design and send you $10. Over the remainder of the month we sell 50 Shape Shifters printed with said design and send you $50 at the end of the month. If that design sells 100 units each month thereafter, we send you $100 at the end of each of those months. Send more designs, get the initial $10 for each one we post, plus a buck a month per unit for any of your posted designs we sell per month.
Other stuff: The canvas (item size) is 20” x 10” with a one inch bleed for printing. The image can be anything from your original drawings to a unique pattern. It must however be your original work and cannot contain anyone else’s intellectual property, trademarked images or copy written text. We need vectored art or 300 dpi PNG, JPG or PDF files. Also please note that all designs submitted (whether accepted/posted by us or not) will remain your (the artists) intellectual property. We claim no rights to your work and will remove it from our site if either you (the artist) or we decide to do so for any reason. In other words it’s your work, you own it. We’re just “renting” it for lack of a better word.
Questions?: Send them to info@sweatvac.com. Please put “SS Design Program Questions” in the subject line.
You can also just call us at 773-770 4200 Mon-Fri 8:30 to 5:00 CST.
Ready to get started? Send your designs to info@sweatvac.com. Please put “SS Design Program SUBMISSION” in the subject. Also include your full name and the email address or phone number associated with your Quick Pay or Pay Pal account. From there, we’ll check out your work and will be back in touch with an answer either way within one week.
We’re looking forward to checking out your work!